- https://landtechdesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Athletic-Ofallon-Sports-Park.jpg
- https://landtechdesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Athletic-Carmel-Dads.jpg
- https://landtechdesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Athletic-Victory-Field-Indy.jpg
- https://landtechdesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Athletic-UK-Shively-Track1920.png
- https://landtechdesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Athletic-Park-Tudor.jpg
- https://landtechdesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/CentralFields.png
Athletic Facilities
Athletic Facilities, Schools, Parks & Sports Complexes (partial list)
- Central Fields Rugby & Soccer Complex at Forest Park (St. Louis, MO) Large sportsfield system with 25-hp booster pump. RainMaster central control with soil-moisture sensors.
- Optimist Sports Complex (at Ellis Porter/Riverside Park in Jefferson City, MO) Applied irrigation layout that accommodated overlapping uses by baseball, softball, soccer
- Osage City HS Football Stadium (Osage City, KS)… Schaefer Johnson Cox Frey
- Wichita North & Wichita West HS Athletic Facilities… Schaefer Johnson Cox Frey
- O’Fallon Family Sports Park-Phase Two (O’Fallon, Illinois) … four baseball fields & common areas, pump-station and control package.
- Vernon Hills H.S. (Vernon Hills, IL… northern Chicago suburb)… expansion of existing complex to accommodate additional soccer & baseball fields
- Columbus Outdoor Sports Venue (Columbus, Indiana)… 4 baseball fields & 4 future soccer fields, included water-harvesting components.
- Hopkins County Youth Athletic Complex (Madisonville, Kentucky)… sixteen fields (2 baseball, 6 softball, 7 soccer, 1 football, and provisions for another future baseball field, including pump-station and control package)
- Pike Soccer Club (Indianapolis, Indiana)… 10 soccer fields
- Univ. of Kentucky (Lexington, Kentucky)… Competition Soccer Field and Shively Track & Field Complex, which included multiple overlapping sports-use areas.
- Park Tudor School (Indianapolis) Campus common-areas and soccer, football & baseball
- Carmel Dad’s Club (Carmel, Indiana) Shelbourne: 18 soccer fields // Wodock: 4 baseball, one football field Towne Meadows: 8 baseball fields // Claybourne: 3 football/soccer fields
- Victory Field (AAA Stadium) Indianapolis (installation management)
- Doniphan Ballfields at Fort Leavenworth (Kansas)… redesign of irrigation system for two full-sized baseball fields with appropriate sportsturf equipment.
- John Glenn High School (Walkerton, Indiana): three practice soccer fields + one varsity soccer field